
a lot can happen in a year.

People like to believe in this thing: "if it's meant to be, it will be."
if it's meant to be, it will find its way.
I think until recently, I too was one of these people.

I want to live in New York, and if it's meant to be, it will be.
I want to write a book, and if it's meant to, it will happened.
I want to live abroad and travel often, and if it's meant for me, it will be.
If it's meant for you to be together, love will find its way.

If you want to live in New York, start sketching your plan to move to New York.
If you want to write a book, start writing.
If you want to live abroad, move.
If you want to travel, don't buy the shoes.
To the last one, bullshit. If you love them, do something. 

My biggest revelation this year was just this. In life, you need to not only have an idea of what you want, but you also need to have a plan to get there. You need to do something, or you might just realize it's 2015 and you find yourself somewhere you don't want to be, living a life you don't really want to live.

To be quite frank, I think the majority of us live everyday thinking what we would like our future lives to look like, without actually setting goals to get there. We often hear, and say: "if it's meant to be it will be."

Leaving your life in the hands of anyone but yourself is irrational. Leaving your life in the hands of fate, well that's stupid.

Thing's don't just happened.
Success doesn't just appear, and neither does the love of your life.
Your dream car will always be your dream car, unless you make a plan on how you're going to buy that car.
New York will forever seem unattainable, because you haven't made it seem otherwise.
Travel will always be an expensive luxury, because you haven't made a travel savings account.


Here's the direct argument against this: If you're always working for something else, you can't be present in the moment, you can't be enjoying life, you're always wanting something more. Maybe part of this is true, and relevant and right. Maybe always wanting something better, is unhealthy. Maybe it's better to just be. Maybe. But maybe not, too.

A small part of me is on the fence about all this. Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. You can miss out on a lot if you are always thinking about the next thing. You may miss the 'prime' of your life working towards your future self.

But I guess a huge part of me disagrees with all this.

When I am working towards my future self, this is actually when I am enjoying life the most.
When I set goals, and work to attain them,  this is when I am happiest.
When I am focused and motivated and productive, this is when I am present.

Because this little light inside of me thinks that we are all here for a purpose that is much greater than existence. But it's also much easier to go with the flow and believe that, if it's meant to be, it will find its way. 

I read a book by Jeff Olson quite recently: The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines Into Massive Success. 

There were parts of it I loved, parts of it I hated.
But in the grand scheme, it was an excellent book to read.
An excellent book for anyone to read, but especially for twenty somethings.

He reiterates something so simple, yet something so true.
There are things in life that are easy to do, but these same things are also easy not to do.
I guess I don't need to explain much further, but you can imagine what happens to folks who choose to do the easy things.

And so this brings me to new years resolutions and the negative stigma that goes along with them. Why do so many resolutions go undone? Why do we always (or most of the time) fail to get there? Why do we make empty promises to ourselves?

Resolutions go undone because they are often ideal images crafted in our minds of what we would like to be like. I would like to be a super fit, super intelligent, super successful, super informed etc. That's it. I would like these things.
If it's meant to be, it will be...

Ambition is nothing without motivation.

a lot can happened in a year, they say.
a lot has happened in a year.
29 more days of 2014.