
Trinidad Jame$ /////// GQ.

I was listening to "All Gold Everything" and one of the lines, you go through your "checklist" with the "OG Jordans" and "them high socks" while the whole wardrobe is basically made of gold. Where do you really see your taste of menswear rub off on your music?

The way I see it, music is reality. It's based off the life I actually live and the outfits I actually wear. So when I'm saying I'm going over this "checklist," that's what I have on right now almost: the OG Jordans and my high socks. But, when I perform it—hat's usually the song I do last—by the time I do this song, I'm at the pinnacle, I'm as hyped up as I'm gonna be. I want people to feel the energy of where I'm coming from and understand that I'm putting on a show for them. That's why I always need my OG Jordans and my high socks on—that's my fashion. You'll see me in the summertime, just chillin'. I'll pull out high socks, Jordans, no shirt, a snapback, beanie, bandanna—you never know.

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